Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Party!!!!!
So we held our annual christmas party and it was so fun. The sumsions came and everyone else canceled, so it was just their family and ours but we had a good time. Santa came by with 2 of his elves and everyone got to sit on his lap. Most of the kids had reservations. Even Ben ended up hiding behind me, until of course it was his turn to get a present and a candy cane. We also had dinner and made christmas tree ornaments. All the kids had a great time ( I think) They look forward to it every year, the excitement builds all week beforehand. The kids are all counting down to christmas, they update me at least 3-4 times a day on how many days until it is here. It is my favorite time of the year though so I don't mind very much.

1 comment:

AMPM said...

Wow, I'm glad your mom is okay! Jack is afraid of Santa too but he was willing to ask him for a hunting video game.