Sunday, October 26, 2008

House and Halloween Party mom had a Halloween Party in Roosevelt for the grandkids. It was great fun, we carved pumpkins and made treat bags and ate donuts off the strings.....except for Jana who at 2 thought everyone should grab what they could and eat them immediately. Ben tried and got a couple, but Jana grabbed the rest and ran off to consume the whole pile, so that game didn't last very long. We carved pumpkins and "magically" there was money hiding in them! The kids liked the money part but not the guts so much. Jana liked the money but was so grossed out she wouldn't stick her hand in to get it out, she tried the first time and screamed like a little was hilarious! I also saw the progress on my moms new house, I will try and post pics later today. It is coming along pretty well, and they should be able to move in soon, about 4-6 weeks by their estimation. This week I was supposed to have off but someone is sick so I may need to fill in..........Oh, on the way to Roosevelt, something came off of an oilwell truck and hit my windsheild, needless to say I have little pieces of glass all over my dashboard and It looks like I have a huge spider clinging to my least everyone will think I am just in the "spirit" of Halloween! See ya later, I will post more later.

1 comment:

AMPM said...

Wow, your mom's house looks huge!! How did the money get in the pumpkins? Should I already know how to do that?